Rares Dinu's profile picture

Hello, I'm Rares Dinu! 👋


Who am I?

I'm Rares 😀

👉 I'm a software engineer from Romania currently working on Java backend.

👉 Outside of work I like to play with React, TypeScript and Python.

👉 I also love playing with hardware like Arduino and RaspberryPi.

My up-to-date work experience and education background can be found on my LinkedIn.

Manchester, UK
Interact with me ☝




Play the Youtube video for your currently playing song on Spotify in a web page

  • No setup required since it doesn't use the Youtube or Spotify APIs.
  • Supports using the APIs for better matches and slighty quicker results.
  • Play and pause on Spotify are reflected in the Youtube video.


Easily manage your saved posts on Reddit

  • Uses the Reddit API to provide a better way of managing saved posts.
  • Unsave multiple posts, filter posts by keywords or by subreddit.
  • No user data is stored by the website.
Travelling Game

Travelling Game

Explore the world by avoiding travel restrictions and get vaccines to stay alive

  • Simple in-browser game with all original, hand drawn pixel art graphics.
  • Highscore saving functionality and a leaderboard is displayed.
  • Hackathon project done collaboratively in less than two working days.
NFT Rarity Ranking

NFT Rarity Ranking

Quickly rank the NFTs in a collection by rarity

  • Basic UI for calculating and searching the rarity rankings of NFTs.
  • Supports different type of metadata like base64, IPFS and API.
  • Uses OpenSea API to check if the NFTs are listed for sale.
Spotify Popularity Predictor

Spotify Popularity Predictor

Predict song popularity using Machine Learning

  • Created ML models to predict song popularity based on features from the Spotify API.
  • Choose between different models with different prediction accuracies.
  • Developed as part of my final year disertation research.
Monkey Meter

Monkey Meter

Check and review Romanian taxi drivers

  • Aggregated, cleaned and stored taxi driver data from PDF files into Firebase.
  • Created Express API and UI to query the data.
  • Added review taxi functionality with scores.


Check out my most recent articles below 👀